Wednesday 31 August 2011

korean restaurant

i ate kimchi ramen noodles.

i drank coke.

i ate vanilla ice-cream

i ordered kimchi ramen noodles with mummy and daddy and amy and douglas.

amara hotel restaurant.

this the name of restaurant.

i ate kimchi ramen noodles.

i ate vanilla ice-cream.

i drank coke.
i played ipad at restaurant.

Monday 29 August 2011

pandan cake

i made pandan cake today.

i made pandan cake in the kitchen.

i washed the dishes.

i ate the pandan cake.

i  made the pandan cake today.

i mix the pandan cake.

the tray is in the oven .

the pandan cake is ready.
the pandan cake is nice.

Thursday 25 August 2011


i played bowling with douglas .
i get 12 size balls.

i tie the shoes lace.

i put on the shoes .

i got a strike.

i played bowling .

i getting the  ball.

i wear the shoes with douglas

i tie the shoes lace.

i holding the bowling ball

i get the ball.

i get size 6 ball.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

23 augest

i played computer lessons with mai and dadddy and mummy.

i go to 7 eleven.

i buy slurpee.

i go back to home.

i ate kimchi udon


i played bowling at bukit batok.

i ate spagheetti.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

gardening in school

i wear the apron..

i watering the plants

evan wear the apron.

evan water the plants.

Thursday 18 August 2011


i made the cupcakes to sell.

i serve the food.

i earn more money.

i get the tong capcakes.

i scoop the cupcakes tray.

really done.

i made the capcakes to sell.

i pour the flour in the cup.

i cracked the eggs.

i take out the paper liners.

i scoop the cupcakes into the tray.
i washed the dishes.
i wipe the tables with a cloth.

the cup cakes is ready.

i get the tong to take the cupcakes.

the cupcakes is ready.

Wednesday 10 August 2011


i made the jelly to sell.

i sell the jelly.

i earn more money.

i serve  the jelly.
i get the spoon jelly.

i made the jelly to sell.
i  peel the longan in the trays.

 i stir the jelly in the pot.

i scoop the jelly in the longan in the trays.

i washed the dishes with soap.
i put the jelly in the fridge.

Friday 5 August 2011


i flip the pancake.

i serve the food every body.

i cooked the pan cake .

its is done.

i stir the pancake with a spoon.

i took a photo of pan cake.
i flip the pancake.

i scoop the ice-cream for every body and put the ice-cream on top of the pancake.

Thursday 4 August 2011


i put the glue on the paper.

i write on the paper.

i cutting the paper with a scissors.
i cutting the paper with a scissors.
i put the glue on the paper.

i writing  on the paper.

i put  the glue on the paper.

i made the simpsons card.

i put the glue on the paper.

i made the simpsons card.