Sunday 24 June 2012


Today I went to paris with mummy, daddy and douglas.
We took a aeroplane there. We ate noodles at the vietnamese noodles.
I drank coke. I go to effel tower, disney land, sapporo ramen, korean bqq, transport, family members,
shopping centre, buildings, pets, paris airport and aeroplane. We took a van car home. I Went to see the
This is the hotel room.

I eat potato wedges and scramble eggs.

I drank hot chocolate.

We ate noodles at the vietnamese noodles and I drank coke.

I eat ramen and I drank water.

I eat mnm's.

I like mercedes car.

We took a photo of family members.

How do i took a picture of shopping centre.

I took a picture of buildings.

I took a photo of toy shop.

We took a photo of pets.

Can i took a photo of paris airport.

Are we taking an aeroplane.
laggage.  I went to buy puzzle. can i look at the shoes.

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